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East Greenland is a dream destination for many sea kayakers. It is the home of the kayak but also of icebergs, polar bears, and whales. As well as other tremendous wildlife and incredibly kind people.

In the summer of 2022 adventure film maker Tom Vetterl and an amazing group of passionate paddlers, guided by Martin Rickard and George Shaw, undertook a challenging East Greenland expedition in an attempt to reach the base camp of Gino Watkins British Arctic Air Route Expedition from the 1930s.

Tom's dramatic cinematography and exciting editing gives the viewers of this mini documentary a real feel for the East Coast of Greenland and certainly leaves me wanting more.




Tom Vetterl Adventure Film Making:

Martin Rickard:

George Shaw: 

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philip clegg profile 2

By Philip Clegg

With over two decades of working in the sea kayaking industry, Phil can be found on a daily basis coaching for Sea Kayaking Anglesey.  That's when he's not expeditioning, playing or putting kit to the test.