The scoop rescue is a very useful method getting a tired or injured paddler back in their boat as it requires very little effort on the part of the person being rescued. It requires the rescuer to submerge the kayak, float the paddler back in and roll the boat and paddler back up. It can however be very strenuous for the person doing the rescue if not done correctly. James Stevenson from Online Sea Kayaking gives us some tips how to do it easily:

  • We start by stashing our paddle away so that we have both hands free.
  • Then tilt the kayak on its edge so that we can completely swamp the cockpit.
  • Coach the swimmer to float their legs inside the boat.
  • Help them get their bum onto the seat and the legs inside.
  • Then push down with the inside hand as the other hand pulls up on a buoyancy aid strap.

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By Philip Clegg 

With over two decades of working in the sea kayaking industry, Phil can be found on a daily basis coaching on the sea around Anglesey. That's when he's not researching and writing on all things sea kayaking.